Saturday, July 15, 2023

Three German News Stories

 1.  I noticed that Berlin public pools have announced a new have to show a ID card (can be the national ID or a student ID) gain entry.  This came up because of the numerous brawls/assaults over this summer period.

In addition....if you read through newspapers....they are adding security cameras at entry/exit points.  

'Pool-bouncers' being added?  Yeah....they've gone to some service and found guys to enforce civil behavior.  

What's really driving all of this?  Lot of juvenile-behavior being seen with 15-to-30 year old men.  Once you have some insult assault starts up, and then you have ten to twenty young men 'pushing-back'.  

2.  It kinda came up that the German gov't went to build this heat-pump law.....using non-gov't 'help'.  Yeah, it was contracted out to a commercial company.  Cost factor?  Several million Euro.

Drawing attention?  Yeah.  I can't say this has been done before, but it's being noticed and public questions are being focused at how this was written.  

3.  Swedish police have 'approved' a Torah/Bible 'burning'.  The protest group want to send a message.  

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