Sunday, January 24, 2021

Who is QPatrioten24?

 For roughly five years...this group in the US...called QAnon has existed.  It's a cryptic society with no clear 'top-dog' or agenda....beyond suggesting constantly that some Trump-vision-agenda exists, and it's secretly guiding us to X-destination (I must one ever seems to know where X-destination really is).

Some suggest that 'Q' refers to a security clearance that exists within the Department of Energy.  

Some suggest that 'Q' refers to a Star Trek character...that seems to know all things.

Some suggest that 'Q' splinters off and might be some CCP (Chinese) or Russian intelligence device.  

Some even go and suggest that 'Q' was designed in some way as a political cult situation. 

So in the past couple of months...QPatrioten24 has appeared in Germany.  Cryptic messages follow.  

Where does the German 'Q' group lead onto?  Roughly 100k to 150k members.  'Agents' of 'Q' to speak.

Deutsche Welle covers part of this story and is worth a read.

Why show up now in Germany?  I would speculate because of the various state elections and the fall national election....the 'Q' gang intends to suggest insider information and drive the election results with some conspiracy chatter (some might be accurate, some mostly fake).

My humble view?  In the 1930s....a commercial company who dealt in a chocolate drink (within the US)....developed some advertising series about a secret decoder ring, a decoder book and secret messages that would be passed via their radio show commercials.  Kids bought into this, and generally believed that they were getting secret insider information.

'Q' works the same basic way...secret/confidential information, decoding required, and a secret path ahead (if you just trust in the instructions).

Will this work or alter the national election?  I think Chancellor Merkel would laugh and say that this all resembles some DDR-Stassi-like device. Others might be fearful of the 'Q' impact and suggest that every single social media platform might need to be supervised or turned-off.  

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