Thursday, February 4, 2021

Political Slogan Poster

 I went out shopping today in the region.....fair number of political signs up....for the city/district election coming up.  So there was this Linke Party sign:

"For the City and District, Let's Make It Nazi-Free."

I stood there for about 90 seconds looking over the sign, then asked my German in this urbanized shadow of Wiesbaden....are there any Nazis?  

She gave me one of those 'you-shouldn't-have-ask-this-question' looks.  "No" was the response.  Then I got one of those 60-second lectures....with commentary chats...why couldn't they say wolf-free, or smoker-free, or drug-free, or burglar-free.  She's probably right.  

To be honest, in all these years in the urban 'shadow' of Wiesbaden, I just haven' seen any Nazi flags or symbols.  

Guessing your question....are there any real voters for the Linke Party in my village?  No....they rarely get more than 3 or 4 percent of the local vote.  In my particular village, with 2,500-potential votes....I doubt if they ever get more than five to ten votes.  

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