Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Weapon Story

 There was this weapons data update done by N-24 news this morning, and it's a curious story told.

I admit....I don't really follow the amount of weapons held by registered German owners that much.  The update says that 5-million privately held weapons exist in Germany (population of 83-million). 

In fact, they even noted that there's a list of about 100 Germans (the bulk-owners) who hold 66k weapons.  The average number? 660 per owner.  No one is saying a vault type situation for each guy but you would assume that.

There's no law that says as a licensed gun-owner in have a 'limit'.  If you wanted to go out and purchase four long as you have a license, you are free to move onto the purchase. The law does state.....each weapon must be 'housed' or stored in an acceptable container, cabinet or vault...with only you having the unique key to that storage location.

Does the 5-million number shock Germans?  It depends on who you chat with.

If you engaged in some conversation in a rural village (say a population of 700) with a hunter.....he'd readily admit that the local hunters club has fifty members, and probably each guy owns a minimum of five guns.  If you did the statistical collection, it comes out to 250 guns in the village....almost one for each three residents.

The news folks?  They will tell the story in some way to suggest there's way too many guns held by private owners.  But this entire process of the license.....which no one ever goes to challenge as being 'broken'.....maintains that there isn't a problem existing.

The odds that in ten years....the 5-million in guns goes up to around 8-million?  Unless some idiot comes along to say there is a max number per licensed individual.....I don't see how the number stays the same.  But I don't see how the number relates to any suggestion of more problems. 

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