Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The 2021 'Help' Deal?

 Focus did a pretty good report on this 'help' deal being formed by the CDU-CSU-SPD coalition in the Bundestag.  It's worth a read.

1.  The kid bonus.  If you have a child, as part of the Covid-19 'help' get 150 Euro as a sort of bonus (figure value at $200 roughly).  If you had three kids....450 Euro, for example.  It's a fair amount, but I should note for 2020's was double this value.

2.  Welfare or Hartz IV folks?  They will get a one-grant of 150 Euro (per person). 

3.  On the tax-code, businesses will be able to carry losses (up to 10 million Euro) when comparing against past years.

4.  If you run a cafe or restaurant....the reduced VAT of 7-percent is offered to the end of 2022.  Course, that only helps, if they are open (since early November, they've all been closed).

5.  In the cultural area of work....a billion Euro grant program is offered.

On paper, it's a lot.  But if you go and review the losses or 2020....for restaurant, bar, or hotel owners or their employees....the package barely does much.  One can walk around shopping districts, and note empty storefronts that have closed over the past six months.  No one has picked up the leases for these structures, and you can't say much for the remainder of 2021....if anything will really change.

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