Saturday, April 3, 2021

"You Can Protect A Society To Death"

 It's a quote from a constitutional lawyer....Ferdinand Kirchhof.

He made the statement over the ban-rules from Covid-19, and the public sentiment that is building up.  It went to the Bundestag....whether they grasp the meaning or not....unknown.

The majority of Germans have gone along with the ban-rules (even now), and most will tell you they are concerned over the safety and health of their friends, associates or co-workers.  

Does the same group feel that way over the economic standing of their friends, associates or co-workers?  That might get a different answer.

Will his hint go anywhere?  I doubt it.  

What you might notice by September....that the vaccination business hit some peak (65-percent of the public), that masks are still mandated in September, that virus worries continue on, and that this all gets dumped into the election with consequences handed out to various parties for taking the extreme view of protecting people.  

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