Thursday, January 11, 2024

11 Jan 2024: Seven German News Stories

 1. I noticed yesterday, with all this chatter on farmers, strikes, demonstrations....someone pointed out that virtually zero effort is underway for tractors/farm equipment to be e-powered.  

I would readily predict by effort will continue, and even by 2050....almost all tractors and farm equipment will still be diesel-powered.....same for construction equipment too.

2.  German Green Party 'boss' (Lang) gave an interview....saying that the big problem is 'crisis fatigue' facing politics  in Germany.  

Week after just seems like for the past decade, some emergency will follow another emergency....which follows another emergency.  She has a point, but it's not limited to just Germany (same pattern in the US).

Lang also points out....serious amount of resentment from the voting public is going on.  I agree with that assessment, but would the hell does this get resolved?

3.  German farmers were out yesterday....blocking entrances/exits for autobahns....not in major numbers,  but enough to be noticed.

4.  Some 'heat' going on with a relationship between Berlin's  mayor and the Berlin City Education Minister (both are CDU members, if you were curious...and divorced).

More or less....for at least a year, the two had lusty relations.  Some folks believe that some type of regulation needs to be you can only sex-up with non-political folks, if you were a member of the government.  

I suspect if you ask around Berlin....just getting any 'good' a higher priority than regulating sex.

5.  Interesting piece from SWR....talking over 'Long-Covid' problems.  One patient had complained a good bit over headache issues since having Covid more than a year ago.  

Doctor (from Mainz) agreed to do a MRI to settle things.  Well...MRI revealed the guy had several minor strokes since the Covid, and the headaches relate in some way to the strokes issue.   

Mention also in the news piece.....since Covid arrived....several people have come forward with diabetes issues immediately after their bout....suggesting the virus triggered that.  BS factor?  I'd like to see the numbers/facts first.

I will say, for the record.....German doctors are more open on this discussion.

6.  Bitter cold weather in Hessen....Kassel reported  from last night....minus-11 C (12 F).  Weather is hyped-up....saying in several days....warm trend will arrive, with snowfall predicted by Monday.

7.  From that ferry episode on the North Sea last week where the German Economics Minister was 'rushed' by the crowd....police have identified five folks for charges.  

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