Wednesday, January 24, 2024

24 Jan 24: Five German News Stories

 1.  FYI, there are three ages that alcohol consumption is legal:

- Age 18....any booze or hard alcohol.

- Age and wine.

- Age 14....when with the parents in a cafe or and wine.

So I noticed that there's going to be an inside-Germany effort to erase/delete the age-14 rule.  To be honest, it's the only member of the EU who has the age-14 rule.  

2.  German steel production is noted at the lowest level of the past 14 years.

3.  6-day strike underway on the Bahn/railway.  Basically, if you were on some business trip and failed to leave 'early'....either you fly out or you stay until Tuesday morning.

On public anger/frustration?  I'd say that it's growing and some people are extremely angry because this was the primary way they got to some urban center job.  

4.  On the amount of hype from last night on the US state of New Hampshire primary?  Both ARD and ZDF (public TV networks) spent a fair amount of time hyping it and the overwhelming support of Haley to win.

5.  There is a organization called the 'Saxony Monitor'.....which goes out into Saxony (the state) and polls public feelings on various topics (yearly).

So the newest polling...indicates that folks in this state consider their economic condition 'fairly-good' or 'really-good'.  But the poll also indicates a growing skepticism of news. Two-thirds of those polled...say there are too many foreigners in the state.

Saxony is a eastern state, and probably had a long era during the DDR era without many non-Germans.  Around 60k Ukrainians live in Saxony temporarily now, because of the war.

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