Thursday, January 4, 2024


 1.  What is this scandal deal going on with Christina Block?

Block is the daughter of the owner of a major food production and hotel company in Germany.  Block was married, then divorced....having four kids from this situation.

There is some kind of agreed deal on custody of the two youngest kids.  On New Year's Eve....with the kids in the care of 'dad'....some rough fellows came up....knocked him down and kidnapped the kids.

Well....the cops quickly assess things and determine these were private thugs that Block return the kids to her.

Court involved?  Well...yeah, there's some warrant out for Block, and potentially....this could end up with a judge asking for a mental eval (at the very least).  

2.  Who are the people trusted in German society?

Forsa (polling company) did a poll among Germans...doctors and police were at the very top on trust.  Bottom level?  Politicians.

3.  German gov't telling Germans in Lebanon to leave?

Yeah, and quickly.  Little is really said....other than safety is declining and some folks expect Hezbollah to be a serious target in the next week.  To be honest, a fair number of Lebanese people might find a reason now to exit their own country.

On the number of Lebanese people in Germany already?  Gov't says in the 160,000 range from decades past.

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