Wednesday, January 17, 2024

18 Jan 2024: Eight German Stories

 1.  Robert Habeck, the Economic Minister (Vice-Chancellor, and Green Party member)....did a speech and basically said that the whole 'thrust' of the AfD Party (right-wing) is in some way to make Germany into a Russia-like state/country.

I would  suggest one odd thing....on the Ukraine-Russia war....they've (AfD) come to various positions that the war should end, and Russia isn't the 'bad-guy'.   

2.  New Forsa poll done on  politics in Germany.  SPD (left-of-center) has fallen to 13-percent (if there were an election today).  CDU (right-of-center) is placed at 31-percent of polling.

3.  Ice conditions from mid-day at Frankfurt has prevented take-offs.  The Bahn folks cancelled all ICE trains from Frankfurt to Paris, and Paris to Stuttgart.

Locally?  I had about quarter inch of sleet around my village.  

4. More chatter came up about the Sharia (Islamic) rules effort from that German school in Neuss (NW Germany).  Apparently the students were (4 of them) were all young men (ages 17, 18, and 19).

In their effort to 'take-charge' of the classroom....they were hyping up 'stoning' as a effort to sell punishment.  

Anything illegal about the effort to sell their 'brand' in the school?  No.  Police were correct, in that no one has ever crafted a law like this over religion in schools....nor do I think they want to take that on.

The problem I see....this discussion pushes public perception in a negative way, and helps AfD motivate the public in a negative way. 

Ethnic background of the four?  Unknown.  I personally doubt that they are Turks.  

5.  Pretty harsh talk yesterday by Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder on chopping up the public broadcaster system (both TV and radio).

First, Söder says that between ARD/ZDF.....amount of entertainment programs ought to be reduced because they aren't part of the written core mission (information).  

Second, he wants SAT3 an d ARTE merged into one network.  I don't argue about this....both are geared for high culture.

One, Alpha or Tagesschau24?  Cut entirely.  ONE is basically ARD....just an hour or two later with the same shows.  Tagesschau24 is basically news one after another.  

All of this because of the increasing cost of the media TV?  Yeah.

If you were to sit around a group of working-class Germans....most would whine over the cost level and limited use of public TV and radio.  My son would admit for over 20 years....he's not watched a single hour of public TV. 

6.  Arnold Schwarzenegger flew into Munich yesterday....on his way to Austria, and a charity dinner.  So he gets into the customs exit area and is halted.  Friendly at first....they go through his bag and find a premium watch that was to be auctioned off for the charity.   His value put upon it?  20,000 Euro.  

Yeah, he hadn't declared they went to criminal paperwork and will be taxing the the watch.  It was a three-hour delay and there were some critical comments by Arnold over German customs.

7.  Tuesday night....the 'boss' of the Green Party (Lang) was a guest of the Lanz public forum show (ZDF).  Lanz can ask stupid but blunt he brought up pensions in Germany....then he asked how the Greens viewed the current situation.  Lang had no idea what Germans get for a pension, but suggested it was in the 2,000 Euro range., that's not the amount.  Men typically collect  1,370 Euro a month, and women average around 1,150 Euro. Nothing near 2,000 Euro (at least on average).

This was a big goof on Lang's part.

8.  Just an odd report....since 2011....Germany has added 584,000 public service jobs to the nation (local, state, federal).

All total in public service?  4.8-million out of 84-million in population.

54-percent of the added new  jobs....went to local-level requirements.

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