Sunday, September 17, 2023

Just How Often Do You Have To Show An ID In Germany? happens.

I stood in a grocery line in the past two weeks, and 'kid' had a beer to buy.  Cashier 'carded' the 'kid'.  'Kid' was at least 16, so he was legal to drink beer/wine.

This got on my mind.

You have to show an ID to register if you moved from one address to another....if you were buying and registering a car....opening a bank account or picking up some significant pharmacy item.

You might get carded if buying a pack of smokes, if you look young.

Around Wiesbaden, in the no-weapons zone (downtown district)....cops can ask to frisk and ID you after 9 PM, and you have to cooperate.  

Which ID do they request?  The national ID card, of course.  Trying to say you don't need the national ID?  Yeah.....that won't work.  

Even as an 'auslander' (non-German)....I carry a German ID on my person.  

If you asked some German about having to produce it?  Most will say maybe six times a year, or less.  It is rare, I will admit.

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