Saturday, September 2, 2023

Will Nuke Power Ever Return To Germany?

 Since the early part of 2023....there are no active nuke power stations in Germany.  If you quizzed the Chancellor....he'd tell you that it's a 'dead-horse' situation.  

If you ask me?

I'd say one day....when purchased power from beyond the German border reaches the point that it's a ridiculous amount of cost,  and it's coming via a French or Dutch nuke station....there's going to be a 'Jesus-meeting' and the general public will ask stupid questions.  At that point....none of the political parties will be able to explain this without the public feeling it's a comedy of sorts.

An era coming to Germany where you are lectured weekly to use less electricity?  Oh, I'd say we are coming to that point shortly.  

In the past year, I asked the German wife....compared to 20 years much 'juice' are we using compared to 2003?  She pulled out the binders (she keeps literally every scrap of paper), and added up the numbers.  Presently, we actually use less power in 2022....than in 2003.  Now, she softened this to hint....we have better washers/dryer and freezers than we had 20 years ago.  We also air-dry (without the dryer) about seven months out of the year.  

Then I asked....hasn't the rate of cost gone up?  Yeah, it's between two and three times the cost of 2003....but less use.

I can drive around my village today and note at least sixty homes with the heat-pump/AC-unit connected they pull a fair amount of electricity. 

Walking into a local grocery?  Well....yeah....all  of them today have a AC-unit cooling the interior....something that barely existed in 2003. 

It may take ten to fifteen years, but I anticipate the day when we start getting the order.....six hours of non-use each help save/conserve on power.  'Smart-power'?  It'll be the way of controlling the public, and letting everyone know there is a limit....somewhere down the line.

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