Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Voting Topics For Hessen's Election

 Some folks have taken the Hessen state issues in 2023 and put them in a format for the upcoming state election (about a month away).  This is supposed to lead you to decide on which party delivers your priorities:

1.  Allowing 16-year olds the right to vote in state elections in the future.  I won't say this is a big issue, or that even half the public support the idea.

2.  Dump the US out of Germany....bases and all.  I'd say more than 90-percent of the  state don't rate this as a top-ten issue. 

3.  Parents ought to pay some part of the kid's school menu deal.  

4.  The ban on night flights out of Frankfurt should be 'expanded' (meaning the current 11 to 5 time should be expanded).  Locally?  Probably half the population of Frankfurt would believe that a 10 to 6 time frame should be pursued.  State-wise?  Not a top ten issue.

5.  Coal-powered energy plants should run all the way in Hessen up to 2038.  

6.  The state government should pursue deporting people who've failed the application.

7.  Hessen should only pay for advertising for organic farm products.....nothing beyond that.

8.  If you are unemployed and getting 'funds'.....it ought to be reduced if you fail to accept an offered job.

9.  Infrastructure money for railways.....should have priority over roads.  Lot of argument both ways over this idea.

10.  If you (as a company) don't offer apprentice training....you ought to be paying a tax.

11. Allowing hunts on wolves.  Oddly a hot topic, but there just aren't any wolf populations in the state (at least people believe that).

12.  State should allow gender forms of language  in schools.  Meaning? Force gender-language.  There might be 20-percent of the public supporting this, and it's a hot media topic.  But the majority don't support this idea.

13. Social housing, when built....should be given to Germans first.  

14.  If you are caring for some relative (in your house), state funds ought to be used to pay you 'something'.

15.  Some 'mandate' where you get permission to develop some property....in turn, you have to 'green-up' another property that you own.  No one is saying how much or how....it's just an odd discussion point.

16.  There should be a 'binding' quota on women executives in Hessen companies.  I think if you went to this....it'd help convince companies in the state to pack up and move.  Maybe it's a good thing.

17.  In future elections, parties would have to fill with equal numbers of men/women.  They don't say much if a guy wants to pretend to be a woman.  Hard to say if this is beneficial or not.

There's another dozen-odd platforms....I won't go into detail.  

Do I think that most Hessens are concerned with the 37-odd topics?  No.  You might get a majority to agree on (rather argue against some policy) on a majority of these.  But a lot of these just don't interest people.

It's like the wolf situation....if you don't see wolves, why would you suggest to have a hunt?  It's the same with allowing 16-year olds the right to vote....most would say they are too immature, while some would ask why not allow 12-year olds the same right?

If you want to test?  Here.


Daz said...

Although when a 16 year old commits a crime, there's usually a big rush to trial them as an adult. So, why the double standard?

Schnitzel_Republic said...

Yeah, a German 16-year would be tried (even up to 19) by a lesser court. This logic hasn't really arrived to the more liberal German voter.

My take? Why stop at 16? Why not fourteen?

All you will do is generate a ton of hype at election time to attract youth voters to some radical ideals, and in a state like Hessen....it might amount to 150,000 extra voters.