Sunday, September 24, 2023

This 49-Euro Bahn/Bus Ticket Coming To An End?

 Well...back in hype up the public....they gave a 3-month test of a 49-Euro per month Bahn (railway) ticket.  Go anywhere for a month, bus or local/regional rail (no high speed trains), and it was only 49-Euro.  After the test, the agenda by various parties was to push this to be the norm.

What they agreed upon....both the states and the German federal gov't agreed to float 1.5-billion each.....into a pot, and give the public a 49-Euro ticket (per month) as the norm.

This weekend, it came up in the news.  The fed folks are hinting that they don't have the 1.5-billion in 2024, and the states are giving the impression that they can carry it for another year.

Cost to rise?  The number being mentioned is 59-Euro for the same ticket, in 2024.

Still a good deal?  Personally, when you look at what you got in 2020....being near 100 Euro for the same situation....I think anything in the 89-Euro or less a good deal.

How many Germans utilize this 49-Euro ticket presently?  The number usually cited is 10-million.  Even if you raise it 20 Euro....I think the public would stick to this.  

The only negative? can't ride the ICE or Inter-City fast trains.  So if I wanted to use the ticket from Frankfurt to are talking about an all-day experience to use regional trains to reach Munich. 

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