Saturday, September 16, 2023

Solution Chatter

 I sat yesterday reading a comment by former Brit PM who was hyped up over health cost in the UK, and he made his suggestion to fix things.

Apparently, in his should tax junk-food enough....that the working-class or less....would be unable to afford the 'bad' food, so they would only buy 'good' food (left  untaxed).

In his mind, a BK menu meal (currently at 10.50 Euro probably) would have to escalate  to something like 18 convince people that they can't afford it.  (To be truthful....probably one-third of working-class people would still pull out 18 Euro for the menu meal)

The fact that the menu meal only costs (with man-power figured)....10.50'd just have some inflating factor (say 75-percent) to fix this situation.

I thought about this for a while, and the key thing you'd create is a total decline in the fast-food industry (jobs included in this decline).  There would be just in the UK alone....probably half-a-million people unemployed by this gimmick.  

But here's the odd factor.....people tend to get into illegal things....if you make funny rules.  So out in some barn....some idiot would have a grill open and preparing 'bad' food for 10.50 Euro....without any taxation going on.  

Politicians have funny ideas, and you just wonder why so many people have a trust issue.  

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