Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Political Polling in Mecklenberg (The State)

 The last state election in this northeastern German state was in the fall of 2021, and the next election would be the fall of 2026.  Normally, folks wouldn't care much...halfway through a period, to view polling.

I noticed via NDR (public TV for the region)....a poll that would scare some folks.

Presently, the AfD would win the election with around 32-percent of the public vote (up 8 points over the past six months).  SPD (the previous winner)?  They are down to 23-percent.  Greens at 8-percent and CDU at 18-percent.

The general hint?  Well....some former SPD-voters are probably leaning toward the AfD.  It would beg a lot of questions.  

Is AfD really gaining?  I think it's more of the story that people aren't buying into the national level of the SPD-coalition, and their agenda going forward.  Between the refugee business and the heat-pump law.....then you bring in support or non-support of the Ukraine war....things now get heated.

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