Wednesday, January 10, 2024

10 Jan 2024: Six German News Stories

 1.  Some news folks did a poll in Germany over the public perception of the farmer strike.  69-percent of the public says that the farmers are 'right'.  For the SPD-coalition....that's bad news and hurts them in their position even more.

Noticed a second poll via least 80-percent of Germans  saying they have a understanding of the economic nature behind the farmer protest.

2.  In case you were of 2023, around 14-million Germans were using Twitter (at least occasionally).  On Instagram?  Near 32-million.  Population?  84-million total.

3.  An unusual attack in a hospital emergency, in Freiburg, from Monday.

Forty-three-year-old guy was taken by an ambulance to the clinic.  Not a lot is said over what got him into a bad health situation....but minutes into this visit....he's gone nuts, and wounded five folks in the emergency with a box-cutter knife.

Police got called, and had to use pepper-spray on the guy.  In the end, they bandaged him  up enough.....then sent him onto a mental clinic.  My humble guess is that a judge will require an exam, and he might be a candidate for a long stay in some mental clinic.

4.  CDU Party in Hessen has picked up the Tegut-grocery situation, and vows a regulation to be written....allowing Sunday open hours.

The deal?  State law in Hessen has wording that says all grocery stores on Sundays are to be closed....even affecting Tegut's unmanned studio grocery concept (being tested).

What I've seen of the's the size of a railway doorway, with a credit card entry system.  Limited number of items (probably no more than 400 products in the shop).  You scan at the with the card, and exit.  Only human entry?  Delivery guy comes with a depot truck in the AM....restocking.  

So far, it's in smaller villages.

5. NTV News did a political survey.  If  elections were held today....FDP would score less than 5-percent....thus getting no seats in the Bundestag.  Second odd issue....most right-of-center voters are saying they would rather vote for Merz as the new Chancellor.  

I will offer the opinion that Merkel did everything possible to prevent Merz from getting the candidate's chair in the last election.  

6.  Three-day train strike begins this AM.  Aggravating a fair number of people.

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