Monday, January 22, 2024

22 Jan 2024: Nine German News Stories

 1.  Piece out of Focus yesterday....talked over Green Party chatter and the 2025 election particular....who they would  run as the Chancellor candidate.  Some Greens now believe that Habeck (the vice-Chancellor presently and highly popular) a magnet for negativity. 

Running an alternate?  I really can't think of any Green Party member with the talent to Habeck does.  But I suspect if you asked a hundred working-class Germans....vast majority would prefer he NOT be the Chancellor.

2.  Over 30 German cities (in arctic weather) held  protests against the far-right yesterday (Sunday). 

3.  If you can find a copy of Sunday's WELT....great commentary by Harald Martenstein....topic: "Anyone who constantly pursues politics against the majority is heading towards the abyss".

He makes a great case that SPD could 'destroy' AfD pursuit of public simply going the route of regulated/limited  migration. 

Excellent commentary and worth a read if you can find the  paper.

4. According to the German federal statistics.....7-million Germans get a pension of 1,250 Euro a month, or less.'s marginally enough to  live off.

5. With the passage of the new German citizenship law in late 2023.....if you hold a visa and meet the requirements (adjusted to less time now) can walk in and claim German citizenship.

Well...I read though a piece yesterday saying that for 2024...there's around 1.5 million Turks in Germany who will meet the conditions to go from Turk-German citizens.  

Odds of them ever going back?  They might visit the relatives but I'm pretty sure that 99-percent are fairly happy and would avoid moving back 'home'.

6.  Bahn union folks are talking about a train strike...starting Wed of this week....going for six days.  

Lot of sticking points between the union and the Bahn.  One key point....Bahn wants to retain the 38 work-hour week....union wants a 35 hour week.  If this were to occur....Bahn would be forced to hire more employees and have more cost on benefits.

7. WELT piece this AM.....467 Germans have gone through the court system and established 'damage' after the vax-shot.  

8.  There's a discussion underway (politically) about the German Army accepting non-Germans.  Beginning stages, but I would imagine by the end of 2024....some process will exist, and somewhere in 2025....the first 10,000 non-Germans will be in the Bundeswehr.  

9. Caren Miosga Show....replacing the Anne Will public forum Show (Sunday, 9:45 PM) came into being last night.  First show guest/topic?  Merz, 'boss' of the CDU Party. Great portion of this show (20 min) was a one-on-one chat.

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