Saturday, January 13, 2024

A-I Chatter

 About every six months, I'll notice some article or discussion in Germany....on how Artificial Intelligence (A-I) is coming sooner or later to the Bahn (railway).

The basic idea?  You'd arrange a AI program to 'drive' trains.

Coming anytime shortly?  No. In fact, it's probably a 2040 concept by the time they finish up testing and sign off on this.

To infuriate current railway 'drivers'?  Oh yes.

But here's the thing...when this eventually can imagine a two-year period when half the German railway 'drivers' are given their papers and shown the front-door.  In fact, the more they talk about reduced hours....getting themselves down to 35 man-hours a week....the more it's going to help in bringing A-I to replace them.

What a ex-train-driver does next?  Unknown, and it might be curious to watch this unfold.

The odds by 2050....only ten-percent of the railway driver numbers of today exist?  I'd give it overwhelming numbers.

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