Tuesday, January 9, 2024

If You Were Trying To Figure The Political Slant To The BWS Party?

 Newly created, and mostly out of the remains of the Linke Party (far-left).

I sat and pondered over this.  

First, they do have a position of limited immigration/migration.  They aren't saying numbers or how deportation would work....just that something has to change to the current system.

Because of the wording, I'd have doubt that anything but 'double-talk' is the structure of this position.  Even if they said a limit of 250,000 a year approvals....you might still have 350,000 enter, and 100,000 of them can't get the visa....triggering a deportation mess.

Second, they state a position of opposition to the Green Party 'theatrics'  or 'save-the-Earth' agenda.  

This might attract some right-wing folks, but I doubt if any left-wing agenda voters would be supportive of this position.

They are also careful not to say which policies they are against, or that they support.

Third, more social benefits is mentioned a good bit.  How it'd be paid for?  Well....they suggest more taxation on companies and wealthy individuals.  

The tax revenue extra income?  There's been linkages to road/bridge renovation, improving cellphone reception (if you go out into rural Germany, it's crap reception), and bringing high-speed internet to the lesser communities of Germany.

Whether or not the extra taxation would actually accomplish making the welfare class happy, or fixing cellphone reception?  That's really an unknown.

Fourth, ending support to the Ukraine and bringing the war to an end?  This gets talked about a great deal.  Right-wing folks have edged over to this position in the past year, and this might attract a good bit of attention.

How the peace would come?  Well....if you didn't support military actions....BWS thinks the peace angle would come to work.

The problem with their positions and attracting voters....the general intent is that present and former Linke Party folks would vote under this umbrella.  Then they suggest that AfD voters could be persuaded to cross over.

I pondered upon this.

The sales brand here....most all of the participants of BWS....are former Linke Party folks and hyped-up (at least five years ago) on what is generally communist party positions of old DDR (East Germany).

When BWS talks about commerce, tax revenue, free-market economy, and industry....you just don't get a clear vision of what they mean.  

Maybe if the coalition gov't went forward and banned the AfD Party.....forcing voters to compromise and go to some other political stance, then BWS might make sense.

But if you measured what was on the right-wing voter's mind to associate with AfD....it was primary to really carve off migration and deportation.....and really do a massive change.  Getting that same voter to accept what is a lot of chatter that makes limited sense, spoken by former left-wing politicians of the Linke Party?  It doesn't make much sense.

So, I'm skeptical of where this discussion goes.  Fall of 2025 and the national election?  I would imagine that BWS gets around 7-percent of the vote, and not a player in the national coalition.

Footnote: BWS meaning?  Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance – Reason and Justice Party.  

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