Monday, January 8, 2024

8 Jan 2024: Five German Stories

 1.  INSA, the poll company, did a survey asking about replacing Scholz as Chancellor.  Two-thirds of Germans responded....'yes, replace Scholz with Pistorius (current Defense Minister).  Among working-class Germans?  I'd say it's higher...near 75-percent.

On Pistorius?  Well....the guy comes across  as a 'lets-get-the-job-done' politician.  Ranking on effectiveness?  He's probably in the top three politicians presently in the German gov't.  

2.  If the coalition gov't is successful in having the AfD (right-wing) Party disbanded or ceased?  

There are two new parties VerteUnion and BWS.  One is right-of-right-of-center and the other left-of-center.  Both could easily stake the unassigned votes and I doubt if anyone would notice the AfD gone after six months.

3.  Natural gas reserves in Germany at present?  90-percent of what'd you typically need to make it through a winter.  Pricing average presently?  8 Euro cents per 1 kWh.

4.  Noticed it today in news....52-percent of all power distributed via the grid in from renewable energy.

5.  Odd story...back in the summer of  '23'....there was a rape in a city park of Berlin.

Non-German couple (from Georgia, the country)....had come to the park to buy cocaine.  Couple makes the purchase....does the cocaine there on the spot....get all intimate there on the park grounds, and three non-German drug-dealers get into the situation...raping the woman.

Well....the three guys are now in a court episode, opening this week in Berlin.  They are from Somali, Guinea, and Guinea-Bissau.

So....the Somali guy has been around since well known for drug offenses, robbery, theft and assault...with the police.  He also has ten different aliases that he has used along the way.

Other two have some aliases, and expired visas....lesser crime accumulation.  

Because of the park notoriety for open drug sales and use of drugs....some of the public are viewing this as an unusual case.  Victims and accused are all non-German.  Why the three haven't been deported by this point for pervious crimes?  Yeah, this probably will be brought up and be some grief dumped upon the federal government.  

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