Tuesday, September 10, 2024

10 Sep 2024: Eight German News Stories

 1.  Interesting WELT article from Monday....worth reading if you can find the paper.  Kurd who immigrated into Germany back in 2015....now a successful lifeguard in Germany....interviewed.  He says from work-experience (from the pool business)....a fair number of migrants arrive and want to impose the old country rules upon Germans.

2.  AfD Party in Thuringia....asked two parties to coalition talks (CDU and BSW).  Both refused to participate.

Zero chance of a AfD coalition gov't, but you have 30 days typically to attempt to form one.

3.  Push to bring minimum wage in Germany to 15 Euro an hour.

4.  BSW Party stirred the migration-issue 'pot' yesterday.  New idea.

So in their plan.....as the migrant enters Germany and asks for paperwork to start their application....the police would ask.....how did you arrive?  Answer...via France, Poland, Austria, etc?  These are safe  countries....you need to return there and apply in those  countries.

Only way you could pass via this strategy?   You'd have to fly in (remember airlines check for passports/visas) or boat in (from the Atlantic or Baltic). 

Odds of passing?  I think right off the bat....the CDU/CSU would support the idea. 

5.  Asylum center planned in Rott am Inn (hour's drive SE of Munich)....in village of 4,000 residents.....had a protest situation start up.  Majority of town has said 'no' to the center.  I looked at the size planned out for this 'center'.....would have taken 500 guests....so it is a sizeable place on the plan.

6.  Some talk going on in the grocery chains....lack of skilled deli-department people.  Actual suggestion going on.....that they would temporarily bring in non-Germans to do the work.  

7.  Weather folks talking about a huge 'wet' front coming through on Thursday....expect flooding.

8.  By order of the Interior Minister....for next six months....'control' will be established at the border.  Massive amount of police effort.  They've already warned the Ministry that this can't run indefinitely, without a manpower 'fix'.  


Daz said...

The problem is with this approach is that they know that it's not legal and they also know they'll never be in power and have to try and implement it. This whole 'First safe country' thing is an invention that doesn't hold up to scrutiny.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

Legally, when the Dublin-Agreement came up (2013)....everyone in the EU signed off. It says....you arrive in a safe country.....you can ask for asylum. By the agreement, you aren't supposed to browse for a better 'deal'. Merkel pursued this and sold the Germans to agree.

My view? Once you identify a thousand-odd people under 'safe-country' status....then the legal battle starts, and you need at least 50 lawyers pursuing this via country/EU courts. I could see the thousand folks eventually all FORCED into the original safe country, but taking 5 years to accomplish. Presently? Between 50k and 60k on the deport list?