Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Political Chatter

 I sat and watched a N-TV segment this AM on a delicate German the CDU/CSU Party might partner-up for a coalition situation with the BSW Party.

So the summary goes this way....the CDU/CSU folks can't work deals with the Linke Party or the AfD Party....this is apparently written in stone.

Some folks on the far conservative side of the CDU/CSU indicate the same problems exist with BSW.

Who is the BSW?  It's a newly created party....coming in the past two years. The  Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance – Reason and Justice (BSW).  Yeah, it belongs to Sahra Wagenknecht....former big player of the Linke Party.

About four years could tell that Wagenknecht was being pushed aside in the Linke she decided to exit, and make up her own party.

Ideology?  Left-wing populism to some degree....with elements of nationalism. Absolutely grounded to Socialism.  Showing some element of Euroscepticism.

Yeah....they aren't really a right-wing or neutral party.

Pro-Russia?  I'd say they've taken various positions of not supporting Ukraine, and that ending the war is a priority.

This element of the CDU/CSU parties....having a point?  I'd take a guess that among the CSU members....more than half won't sign off on a the national level.  Course, that's a Bavarian attitude.  Among the CDU's probably a 20-percent level where folks have a problem  in accepting this type of partnership.

Are we coming to a point in German national politics where building a coalition is near impossible?  Well....lets go to a scenario where the AfD gets near 20-percent in a national election, and the BSW Party also gets near 20-percent.  This would lead a CDU-CSU Party to only partner-up with the SPD and Greens.   It's not a terrible deal...but when you write 'promises' to make the partnership end up diluting a lot of what you told voters.  

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