Monday, September 2, 2024

Political Chatter

 What one can say over the past two years in awful lot of effort has been put have anti-AfD protests/marches.  This has been a regular agenda in both the western side of the country and the eastern side.

So the measurement of effect?  I'd say after the Saxony and Thuringia state election of yesterday....marginal effect.  

Public TV (ZDF and ARD) have actively covered the protests....done interviews to 'prove' value, and had the 'experts' to say results were achieved.  

I would suggest, looking at the actual vote numbers....the counter-protests had little to no effect, but would also suggest go full-speed ahead in conducting future marches/protests.  

Why the right-wing trend in the eastern states?  I would go and suggest three observations:

1.  After WW II ended....the Brit/US/French 'push' on West Germany....was to force a fair amount of 'feel-guilty' for the feeling guilty over right-wing business prior to the wing was maximized.  That's not the way that East Germany went....after the Soviets arrived and controlled matters (they just wanted you to accept socialism/communism more readily).

2.  You have an awful lot of skepticism in eastern German states over the news media.  More so than in western states of Germany.

3.   Migrants/immigrants were a big deal in 1950s/1960s West Germany.  You don't see that trend much in East Germany.

This result situation from the two states?  It'll be discussed a great deal in the coming weeks.

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