Monday, September 2, 2024

The 'Ineffective 9-Euro Monthly Rail/Bus' Ticket?

 Back in 2023...the SPD/Green/FDP gov't pushed up an idea of creating a 3-month long ticket....costing  per person....per month...9-Euro.   You could go anywhere in Germany....rail or bus....except by fast rail (IC or ICE).  This 'success' led onto the 49-Euro monthly ticket.

Today....someone finally sat down...analyzed the 9-Euro ticket, success, and ARD (Channel 1 of public TV) published the story. was ineffective and expensive. 

Pretty much everything they discussed....people already knew.

To make the 9-Euro monthly ticket work in 2023....they had to 'steal' from the national budget a great deal.  Even make the 49-Euro monthly ticket still have to steal from the national budget.  Locally, before this gimmick came along, the same ticket would have been around 105-Euro per adult.

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