Monday, September 9, 2024

9 Sep 2024: Ten German News Stories

 1.  Concerning that machete-Albanian guy who walked into a Koblenz area police station at 2:30 AM Saturday and threatened to kill police....being apprehended and charged-up.

When you walk into a German police station (I've walked into a couple)....there's the outer door which is controlled, so you usually have to buzz your way past it.  Then you enter into a customer-room, with a security glass area where the cops are sitting.  If they invite you past the have to get 'buzzed' to enter their area. 

So, this nut-case who made the locked right there in the customer area.  Once they got the taser out, and had a couple of police in the parking lot.....this guy was 'toast'.  

On police-threat charges?  I would imagine he's looking at enough to get a full-year in jail.

2.  I sat and watched a N-TV news piece yesterday....on the 'recovery' of ISIS in Germany.  They give various reasons for this, but the bottom line?  The experts told N-TV.....there's likely to be wave after wave of terror acts coming over the next year.

3.  Business report out there indicating a 2025 expansion plan of McDonalds in Germany....indicating several hundred new buildings to be established, and possibly up to 10,000 new employees.

I gazed over the story....mostly in disbelief.  Their focus seems to be getting more drive-in points established....where folks picked up food on their way to work, or on their way home.  

4.  Lot of political talk over the weekend about VW financial problems.  Some suggestion now that the EU should get involved and offer help in terms of Euro.

5.  Political chatter over the weekend by Chancellor Scholz.  He seems to believe that the SPD will confirm him as a candidate in the fall 2025 fed-election here in Germany, and that the public will get him the votes.

I give percent chance of the party re-confirming him.  

6.  Lindner, the Finance Minister (FDP)....gave a talk this weekend.  Two protest ladies stopped the talk....disrobing and going topless for their 'speech'. 

7.   CDU came out over the weekend with a plan to 'control' p0rn.  They want to create a p0rn-pass.  You would have to have a pass to enter any digital p0rn site.  In getting the pass, you'd have to establish your age.  

This working?  Well....VPNs would defeat the idea.  I would imagine teenagers would figure the way around this.  Then the 16-year old crowd would demand adult-status.....which I doubt that the CDU wants to give them.

Magazine and video p0rn to still exist?  Yeah.

I'm not sure this is a priority but the typical conservative voter will probably list it as a top-100 issue.  

8.  From WELT, Harold Martenstein wrote an interesting political piece for Sunday, if you can find a copy....worth reading.  Topic?  He points out three odd factors...the German CDU Party (right-of-center) ought to win the next election.....they will likely be forced to partner in some way with the BSW Party.....and that the BSW Party is in some ways similar to the AfD Party (far-right). 

Yeah, naturally, the CDU gov't (anticipating this)....would be handcuffed in a way to left-wing agendas.....something that Merkel vowed a dozen years ago...would not happen with the party.

I'll just say the CDU does partner-up with BSW....I see a fair  number of German conservative voters being disgruntled after a year or two, and likely exiting the door to a more right-wing type party.  Come the 2029's possible that the AfD Party picks up 3-to-4 points over their 2025 results...over this disgruntled crowd.

9. Interesting N-TV news piece this AM.....over 140 German villages (of size)....don't have a post office.  Reason?   These are usually 'contracted-out' to tobacco shops, lotto shops, or corner grocery shops. these 140 commercial operation has applied for the contract (either they don't want the trouble, or it doesn't pay enough for the hassle).

In my village, for over 20 years, it's been run by the stationary/school supply shop/lotto shop.  

10.  ZDF (public TV, Channel 2) is based out of the Mainz area.  Yesterday....they were attempt to run a live music show ('Fernsehgarten').  Massive storm came up at the last minute, and the crowd was dismissed (it is typically a outdoor operation).  They found some empty studio, and ran the show from there.

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