Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Political Chatter

 After Sundays state election in Thuringia....the question is...how do you form a coalition to lead the state government?

Well.....AfD won but no one will partner-up with them.

CDU is in 2nd place, and would partner with anyone....except AfD.  But the only mathematical way to make this work.....CDU would partner with BSW and the Linke Party....to reach a majority (with the seat-business).  Partnering with BSW and SPD?   It won't give them an edge on seats.

So there's this vow that CDU made about a decade ago with Merkel....they would never partner with the Linke Party (the far-left).  People are now asking....will they dump this vow?

If CDU goes into this Linke partnership....would it hurt the 2025 federal election?  My guess is that far-right elements of the CDU and CSU won't be happy.  

CDU trying to run a minority government?  It's been done but it's not that successful.

The Linke folks being dragged to a conservative middle-point?  Well....it'd just hurt them in the next election.

All of this brings me to the 'showing' of voters.....almost three out of four voters showed up and voted.  So it was a pretty dramatic vote. 

Getting this coalition mess cleared up?  There will have to be a huge 20-odd page script on projects, acceptability, and promises made.   State cabinet posts?  That will be a key matter.  

And just for the record, in case you were wondering....BSW is kinda on the left side of various agenda items.  


Bigus Macus said...

The CDU needs to grow up and realize the reality of what the AfD represents for Germany. Seems like they are the never Trumpers whining about MAGA.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

Well....the other side of this is that AfD is a one-topic group, and rarely shows a full-up agenda. If you asked the typical AfD voter on their status for schools, economic problems, tax reform, or pension reform....all you get is a funny look. If the CDU or SPD ever got their deportation situation resolved....AfD would lose their general support.

I'll just add....as much heartburn as most folks have about the current coalition gov't (SPD-FDP-Greens)....finding the right replacement combo has marginal support.