Thursday, September 5, 2024

Just An Odd Thing I've Noticed

 Since the election in the UK (back in early July)....I've come to notice an odd thing.

I browse a bit on social media....across various sites.  And I've come to notice almost daily....some Brit asking questions over jobs, relocating, and how life might work beyond the Isle.

I'm not saying huge numbers....just that almost every day.....I'll notice five to ten folks.  The odd thing....prior to the election...I might have noticed one or two a year.

I don't converse with them or ask questions.  I just assume that these are people who see some type of exit-path required and are taking the initial steps in leaving.  

I looked up the numbers for 2023.  202,000 EU people living in the UK.....left.  For Brits-only?  Around 98,000 said 'adios' and left.

From my social media observations?  Well....I can't readily tell if the people talking of leaving are 'pure' Brit, or some EU person who has had 'enough'.

A trend to worry about?  Well....I'm pretty sure if the 98k were to escalate to wouldn't really worry folks about exiting people.  If 300,000 Brits in 2025 were to leave?  Yeah, that would start to worry the bean-counters and taxation people.

Disgruntled people?  No one tells their personal feelings....they just ask....what  does it take to get working-papers for Germany, or can you do a immigration request to Australia.  

I'd be interesting to have a couple of these folks at a round-table, and just let them share their feelings.

All of this leading back to some failure of BREXIT?  Well....I might say 50-percent of this is a woeful tale of BREXIT, with incompetent leadership.  Some of this is simply poor Tory strategies for the economy. 

Bottom line?  You really don't want a status for your country as a place where folks are excited to leave.  

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