Thursday, September 19, 2024

Just Humble Thoughts

 I sat and watched a German news piece last night....around 5 minutes long.  Topic?  Germans on a second, and even third pay their bills.

The general number of Germans with a minimum of a 2nd job?  Roughly five-percent of society who work.  

The three ladies interviewed for the news item?  They basically run from 6 AM to late get the hours in and accumulate a standard of living.

Minimum wage not cutting it?  I'd say that's one of the issues.  But if you live in any metropolitan region of Germany....your rent is a major problem.  Grocery prices?  Higher than two years ago.  Electrical and natural gas prices?  Way more since the Russia-Ukraine war started.

This number of people with second jobs?  I would suggest by spring of'll be closer to 7 percent, and it'll amount to a election topic.

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