Thursday, September 5, 2024

German Elections, Mail-In Ballots, and the AfD Party 'Complaint'

 First, a rare thing....there's at least three or four investigations being conducted by the German police over ballot 'woes' from the past weekend in Saxony and Thuringia.  

If you asked me on the numbers of problem-ballots...based on the news stories told...I'd say it's between 300 and 400.  I should state here...there are various ways that they seem suspicious.  They may all be legit...but just having some element of suggesting a problem.

Fair number of them being mail-in ballots?  Yes.

Germany allows a mail-in situation, but there are some general rules.  You are supposed to present yourself at the county/city office and say that you will be gone that Sunday, or on some vacation, or in a hospital.  They issue you a ballot, and you fill it in at home....then post it at the local mail-box.

Absentee ballots started in 1957 in Germany, and in the past decade....has been rather popular (2021 election....47-percent of voters went and picked up a ballot).

So in today's came out that the AfD Party (the  right-wing folks) feel that something illegal is going on, and against them.  Proof?  No.  Their intent?  I would imagine they want the absentee ballot restricted in some way.     

The only suspicious thing I've noticed?  A lot of retirement homes have 'helpers' who help retirees to fill out the ballots.  It's possible that 'help' might be corrupted in some way.  Proof of this?  No.  

All of this conversation drawing negative conversation?  Well....yeah, that is the trend I see.

A higher rate of Germans voting in the two states?  Yeah, I noticed that trend....going from the mid-60 percentage the mid-70 range.

As for convincing folks it's a 4-star problem?   That has yet to occur.  

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