Monday, September 16, 2024

16 Sep 2024: Five German News Stories

 1.  I skipped watcheding the public forum show on ARD (public German TV) last night.....the Caren Miosga show.  Scheduled discussion?  Migration and the CDU Party's North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Wüst.

So from news reports....things got distracted for a while....the show allows audieces and is done 'live'.  It was interrupted by demonstrators, who had some agenda to bring up the deaths of two Kurdish journalists. 

Some kind of banner came up with the names of the two journalists (dead).

Miosga?  Well....she asked in a nice way for the ladies state their cause (briefly) or leave the building.

That seemed to work to some degree.  Staff folks tried to talk to them and show concern.  

To be honest, with NFL football action going on, and various options on TV....I doubt that maybe one out of twenty Germans were watching the public forum show (it  comes on at 9:45 PM anyway).  

Wouldn't surprise me if they cut the audience out in future episodes.

2.   Some oil and natural gas prices are on the decline for this winter, in terms of heating costs.  You might be able to say that increasing numbers of Germans switching over to heat-pumps did this, but it's a very small number.  

3.  New migration deal signed between Germany and Uzbekistan.  Limited explanation via public TV.  Chancellor Scholz was visiting and signed the agreement over the weekend.

4.  WELT had a piece this AM...talking over increasing numbers of Venezuelan refugees in Saxony (the state).....over past out of five in Saxony applying for asylum....were from Venezuela. Locals say they make a very strong to immigrate and get jobs.

5.  Lot of flooding in Czech and Poland.....due to heavy rains.  'Storm of the century' is uttered a good bit.

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