Thursday, September 19, 2024

Train Story

When I first hear this story....I thought it was bogus.  Upon examination....NO, it is a true situation.

So, in Germany....normally...train-conductors can walk through  a train and ask to see your ticket.

No ticket?  You get a fine (around 60 Euro). 

Occasionally, you have folks who have no ticket and refuse to participate in the 60 Euro fine 'situation'.

In the state of Thuringia (eastern state)....there's been so much trouble with non-Germans having no ticket and a ruckus starting up.....that the conductors were told by the Bahn 'bosses' (not the gov't).....if you have a non-German  on the train and no ticket situation....move on (don't fine the guy/gal).

It sounded bogus to me.  So I checked it out.   True story.

ONLY in the state of Thuringia, and it would appear to be regional (short-range) trains.

Germans accepting this type of management?, this is one of those things that will get people hyped-up and asking how you can allow this to occur.

Between train and bus travel....over the years, I've probably witnessed at least 50 occasions like this.  From 1978 to was a pretty rare situation, and mostly with Germans.  For the past decade?  I've probably seen this occur at least 30 times, and the bulk being either teenage German kids, or non-Germans.  

Raising a ruckus as your strategy?  I can tell doesn't work.  The  conductor usually calls the police, and you get into bigger trouble.

My the ticket or don't travel.

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