Saturday, September 14, 2024

14 Sep 2024: Ten German News Stories

 1.  Lufthansa is going to lease a couple of passenger planes from Air Baltic....more business than expected.

2.  26 districts of Germany put on flood-alert for the weekend.  Heavy rain to the southeast.

3.  Disney-plus streaming video....awful desperate.....lowering first 3 months to 1.99 Euro to lure German consumers in.

4.  Skeptical story....German gov't reporting that five-times the normal amount of sick days being used presently (in last quarter)....saying it's due to increased colds.

5.  Focus piece this AM.....lot of EU political figures now worried over car industry and loss of jobs (suggesting this millions potential affected).  A lot of this....goes  back to C02 topics and the approaching gas/diesel 'dump' (2035).  Accompanying this....the car industry has said in research....they expect billions in fines on themselves to occur....meaning the collapse could occur fairly quickly.  EU able to save them?  How?  Unless you agree the whole logic of C02-worry was BS.  

6.  German gov't now admits that once you apply for asylum and fail....if you demand a 2nd review (legal system) takes an average of 18 months to complete the 2nd check.  Politicians are demanding this be done in 90 days.  Only way to reach this?  You'd have to hire several thousand 'extra' judicial people to speed up the process.

7.  German pharmacy association says that there is a nation-wide shortage of about 500 medications.  Antibiotics now on the list.

8.  Saxony investigation of voter-fraud in the recent election....centering on one poll-worker....44-year-old.  Appears that the person did some shady stuff.  If this is laid out and legit?  It'll shock some people.  But it just doesn't appear that he did more than dozens of vote-fraud.

9.  The 49-Euro Bahn card (bus-train use)?  Well....LOT of chatter that it's  going to increase by 40-percent in January.  I'll just say it was under-priced from day one and required gov't sponsorship to be priced at 49-Euro.

10.  For a brief 60 seconds...some German-Kenyan treaty was discussed on the news last night.  You won't find much mention today via any of the news organizations.

The deal?  Germany agrees over a multi-year period to take up to 250,000 Kenyan 'qualified'/trained Kenyans....through a process.

Problems?  You'd have to show qualifications...meaning a year or two of training, or some college the typical crowd with marginal skills....won't be accepted.  If you apply, there will be a process....meaning a background review.  If you had some bad-boy behavior, you probably won't be accepted.  If accepted, you get a visa, and fly into Germany (legit).

The best and brightest leaving Kenya?  Well...YEAH.  That is a big problem I see developing.  Kenya seems to think after five to ten years of employment in Germany....the folks might return. I'd have my doubts on that.

All done on a Friday?  Yeah....this announcement is a bit bitter for the public to understand.  No mention of this in the past year?  No, and if you were a bit anti-migrant....this will just make you more anti-SPD and anti-Green Party.

The positive side?  You can review people before they leave and have a better idea that they are stable and capable of work required.  I'm also of the mind that 30-plus percent of those applying/being accepted....will be females.  

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