Sunday, September 1, 2024

Brawl and Police Action

It's a page 2 type story this AM....but some brawl/fight started up yesterday at a wedding reception for two Afghan families and their 'friends'.  

What the cops some point, an argument started up and someone called the police (in Wuppertal, about 30 min east of Dusseldorf). 

Some how....even the police were attacked....with five officers injured in some fashion.

Main fight focus?  Just glasses, bottles and fists.

Police reaction?  Well....they ended up using teasers and batons.

Key point in the brawl....some Afghan guy pulls a kitchen knife out, and police gave him a taser-dose.

The three gentlemen arrested?  I would imagine they will get court action, and end up with some charge of assault upon the police.  

My advice always upon encountering the German police....they don't BS around.  If they say 'quiet' and tell you to need to obey real quick.  

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