Saturday, September 7, 2024

7 Sep 2024: Three German News Stories

 1.  Grocery operation Edeka...says it will lessen the deli-meat-counter personnel in their operations...mostly over two reasons: meat consumption overall is lessening, and skilled labor shortage.  

My local Edeka (at least in mid-afternoon shifts) still has four people on the deli counter.  But they also handle the cheese counter as well.

2.  Linke Party observing the VW car mess...says that stock-holders should prepare to pay back cover the cost instead of a austerity program for VW.  

If this were to be the plan....VW stock would drop like a rock.

3.  If you were a drinker of the German discount soda 'River-Cola' might want to stock up while you can.  The operation is going to halt production....not enough profit.  The only place you could ever buy it....was the Aldi grocery chain.

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