Friday, September 6, 2024

This Migration Solution Using the Rwanda Idea?

 Well....if you remember for the past five years....the Brits attempted (via the Tory gov't) to create a path for failed migrants to exit the UK....going to Rwanda.  You'd get an apartment....some limited start-up money, and never come back.  Once the courts read everything.....they said 'NO'. 

This week, it came up in Germany....they are examining the Rwanda deal.  This mostly comes out of the FDP Party circles.

How it'd work?  Unknown.  I'm guessing the Germans would pay a entry fee to Rwanda....probably 10,000 Euro minimum.   You'd probably have a choice....go to your original homeland, or go to Rwanda.  

Court issues here?'ll be challenged. 

After pondering over this....I think it's about 90-percent BS, and mostly there to stir the pot on conversation.  There are still over 50,000 on the deportation list, and I think both the CDU and SPD are desperate now....trying to take AfD down a step or two....that they'd engage on a number of crazy ideas. 

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