Saturday, September 7, 2024

German Fashion Trend

 In the past two weeks....Hessen state summer vacation....for schools....ended.  The kids are back in school.

So as kids come back start to notice two obvious German youth fashion trends that have developed over the summer.

Back around 12 years ago....Goth existed in teen fashion.  Even in the city of Wiesbaden....we had one attire shop which specialized (at the time) in Goth.  Then it mostly up and disappeared over one single year.  

Well....walking around in the past two seems like Goth is now making a comeback.  I've probably noticed forty German juveniles in the city of Wiesbaden dressed up in Goth.

The second trend?  Japanese Anime-style.  The blue hair, the green hair, and the dress/attire....set to what you'd notice in Tokyo.  Just yesterday, I probably counted at least twenty kids dressed in the style.

Two odd trends? among teens has to constantly evolve (it can remain the same).  It's just odd how the green/blue hair thing comes into style.

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