Sunday, September 1, 2024

1 Sep 2024: Five German News Stories

1.  Lot of hype over the election in Thuringia (the state) for today.  No doubt that AfD will get near 30-percent of the vote.  CDU will get 2nd place.  SPD will have a problem in even getting to the five-percent level.  

This election mostly about the Merkel situation left on the table with migration/immigration?  Yeah, a fair sum of these folks from the eastern side of the country have a sour test over the program.  

But I'll add....the election is also about the quality of schools, economic conditions, and perceptions over the Ukraine-Russia war. 

2.  Some conflict arose yesterday in Berlin.  46-year old German guy demonstrated a pistol and made a threat on a 2nd guy.  Cops called.

At the end of the discussion with the resolution....police ended up shooting (fatally) the gun-guy.  

No terrorism  angle.  But it does hype people up about threats in society at present.

3.  AfD (the right-wing party) made a curious political promise yesterday....if they come to power....they would ban Antifa.  How?  Unknown.  If you asked most Germans to explain Antifa....less than 20-percent could give you details or consider them a 'threat'.

4.  On that deported Afghan guy (sent back to Afghanistan this week)....who had rape charges/conviction from 2019....he has a wife here in Germany who is pregnant (kid will be a German citizen once born).  Lawyer for the guy the end....this gentleman will find some way to return.

5.  On this day, 50 years ago....Audi started production of the Audi 50, which was the vehicle to push the VW Bug 'out'.  VW eventually had to react, and started production of the VW Polo.....taking the  Bug out of action.   Audi 50 cost in 1974?   Around 8,100 West German Marks (roughly $4,000).  

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