Sunday, March 10, 2019

Asylum Story

Focus (the German news magazine) brought up this short story this morning.

The German Labor Ministry (headed by a SPD Party member) has their sights set on increasing asylum seeker benefits. 

So if you were an adult (by yourself), you would be receiving 150 Euro a month (instead of the 135 Euro on the current program).

Teenage juveniles (up to 17) would get 79 Euro (currently set at 76 Euro).  Kids (regarded as from 6 to 13) would get 97 Euro (instead of 83).  And all kids under 6 years old would get 84 Euro (currently at 79 Euro). 

Why the adjustment?  The German law over this states that you have to review the cost of living and adjust rates.  Most folks will admit that it's been three years since the last real review and change. 

Easily accepted?  One might as well admit that no one wants the suggestion that there's a lot of free money involved and people rush off to Germany to claim asylum.  But you have to be honest, just in general, the cost of living has escalated around five to ten percent over the past three years (particularly around fruit and vegetables).  Some vegetable items (last fall for example) jumped twenty-percent in a matter of just two months. 

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