Saturday, March 2, 2019

Railway Story

The Green Party stood up in the Bundestag this past week, and had a question demanded from the German Federal Rail Commissioner.  It's a curious public deal.....roughly every 40th long distance train that ran in 2018....failed.  That means it either didn't start at all, or because of complications (maintenance or otherwise) just terminated.

So the boss of the German railway system...Enak Ferlemann....stood up and gave a fairly decent answer.

The Bahn guys have done an awful of research over this topic and tons of facts to throw at you.  But what he laid out in simple terms....there were 28 different categories of things which can go wrong....from illness affecting the having idiots standing too near the tracks while picking berries (his actual words) and having to call the cops to get them away from 'danger'.

The problem is that Germans have this expectation that ALL things work on schedule, and nothing ever fails.  If you ever compared the German Bahn to any other European railway'd say it's way ahead of just about all of it's neighbors (like France, or Austria).  But Germans rarely if on the other railways.....they just don't know good they have it. 

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