Wednesday, March 20, 2019

TV Tax Chatter

For at least a year, there's been talk of a TV tax increase coming around.  The public TV crowd (ARD/ZDF) have talked about the necessity.  Right now, it's set at 17.50 Euro per month, per household.  This covers all TVs, all media devices, and radios for the house.

The chief issue is that the general public is fairly hostile to another movement upwards, and it has to go before the general board, then be voted upon by all sixteen German states (they all have to agree, 51-percent per state, in each state assembly).

Well.....someone out of the Bavarian group has suggested that they need to get the 'pain' off the states, and the best way to do to vote for a permanent 'index'.  They'd set the rate in 2021 to 18 Euro, and invent a index out of thin avoid letting the public set anger upon the political parties.

Wimping out?  Yes, in an amusing way.

I suspect if you left this to the general public.....they'd all voice a cut to the public TV system is the necessity here, and trim the TV tax down to 10 Euro or less per month. 

The odds that this would be dragged into a national court, if they invent this index method?  Oh, it's probably a 99-percent chance. 

In fact, I would suggest this....if this is such a great idea....why bother involving the Bundestag in taxation issues....just attach an index to the system and raise taxes automatically when the need arises.

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