Friday, March 22, 2019

Utrecht Terror Case Winding Up

If you watch both Dutch and German news today, the Utrecht terror episode (earlier this week) is mostly in a wrap-up stage.  Three dead, five wounded, the gunman captured, no further arrests involved.

The prosecution folks?  They say multiple murder charges are lined.  The intent of the Turk?  Still unclear.

Yes, they did find a letter in the car, which the Turk did write.  Yes, it does suggest some Jihadist intent. 

But after some review and talks with the guy, the Dutch cops are arriving at this odd suggestion: the guy has psychological issues combined with a 'overdose' (my term) of radicalized religion.

They are careful about how they say it, but it would appear that he'll go to a mental eval situation, and I have my doubts that they will ever get to a full-up murder court case. 

Just crazy?  Yeah.  When he resettled in the Netherlands from Turkey a decade ago?  He was probably having mental issues then, and no one really recognized it. 

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