Sunday, March 24, 2019

Flash Mob Story

'Flash mobs' haven't been a thing in Germany, at least until this week.

Earlier in the week, police in Berlin had to react to a hooligan situation driven by two YouTubers (each have a network behind them), who met up and had a brawl (I essayed this yesterday).

Well....last night (Saturday evening around 6 PM), in Frankfurt, we had the second 'Flash mob'.  The number?  Around 600 teenagers.  They gathered up at Zeil region (the major shipping district in central Frankfurt).  This turned into a fairly chaotic event.

Apparently a number of cops had to be drawn to the area to settle down the potential threat. At some point, the police figured out the organizer of the mob, and gave him an order to disperse. Some action then occurred, with a teenage kid hitting some cop in the face.  Cops then grabbed the kid, and he was arrested (charges will range from violence upon a cop to resisting arrest).

There's some discussion now with the authorities....if legal means should be put upon the organizer of the Flash-mob, and force him to pay for the expense of the cops having to show up.  Amount?  That's unknown at this point.  But you can figure.....if forty cops had to show up for two hours each, then you'd be talking of a minimum of 5,000 Euro.  German law?  It basically says as long as you register your demonstration, and provide a map of the anticipated walk or the square area where speeches will be can conduct it without any fines.  If you violate that understanding?  A judge can evaluate the situation and assign a fine (based on measures required by the cops to ensure 'peace').

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