Saturday, March 9, 2019

Crime Story

I noticed this via the local news in Wiesbaden (from Wisbadenaktuell).....that it's been sixty days now with the weapons-free zone activity by the cops (midtown area).

What the cops say is that they've stopped around 860 folks in the 'zone' and found 29 folks with 'issues' (meaning confiscations of knives or dangerous weapons).

All of this leads back to some public belief that downtown Wiesbaden is 'dangerous'.  From who were around the city in the 1980s would laugh at the perception, but that's the trend in the past decade. Robberies and assaults are up, but the cops suggest that the numbers in the past year or two (with more cops on the beat) have decreased.  Curiously, they never show numbers from the 1980s to compare against. 

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