Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Juvenile Story

There's a brief piece that came up in German news today over an odd topic.

German law grants the right to the government to 'monitor' people that they consider a potential threat.  So there's a list of radicalized folks, who are actively 'monitored'.  By radicalized, I would mean that they are fairly religious in their convictions....have uttered comments that might be perceived as threats against public safety.  In general, the public in Germany doesn't have a problem with that law, or the active nature of the police to conduct such things.

But it's come up now....someone in the government has come to recognize that juveniles are being noted as radicalized.  By the term juvenile, with the German means anyone under the age of 20 years old.  This same law granting the police the right to monitor.....says that monitoring juveniles is not permitted. 

So there's this discussion underway, with some folks wanting to extend the monitoring business to juveniles within Germany. In return, some folks are totally against this type of change in the law. 

Thirty years ago, people would have laughed that you needed to go and monitor juveniles for threatening behavior in Germany.  The times have changed though.

Where this might lead onto?  Well, once you open this Pandora's Box, then the question will soon arise if you can monitor juveniles for far-left or far-right threats from juveniles.   Could you have 3,000 kids....ranging from age ten to age twenty in some form of monitoring?  Are you doubling up on monitoring personnel? 

Could you reach a point where some 13-year-old kid has made several threats, and you show up to apprehend him and take him into some juvenile court? 

It's an odd evolution of law and public safety going on, and it just begs questions over where things will be in a decade. 

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