Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Five Uncomfortable BREXIT Questions

1.  Does the EU care what happens in the remaining 27 member states after a hard BREXIT?

The uncomfortable answer is no.  The EU's priority, is the EU itself.....not the member states.  Each likely is preparing a list of preparations to take....from job losses, to individual actions to work up trade talks without the EU meddling in the affair.  The EU's chief priority was to ensure that the UK got a screwed-up deal or a no-deal in the end....to ensure countries like Greece or Poland didn't get stupid and exit on their own.

2. Will BREXIT trigger another election this year?

Six months ago, most in the UK were saying it was highly unlikely of a Brit national election this year. Now if you ask.....around three-quarters of the population are suggesting that maybe a clean slate now needs to occur, with PM May gone.  If you ask those about who ought to replace May, you get a list of dozen Tory and Labour figures....with no one really thrilled over options. 

3. Does Tommy Robinson figure into the election if it does happen?

Well....the long and short answer here is yes.  It is entirely possible that TR might organize a Macron-like party out of thin air, and that his brand....his hardships....his talks over the lack of rights....might inflame enough of the public to take 30-percent of the national vote (my guess at the size of the public discontent that would be drawn to him). 

4.  After the hard BREXIT....how does the US figure into the mix?

There would have to be an election, with PM May out....to bring in someone who wants a massive trade deal with the US.  Those who suggest that it'd take two years (as in the TTIP talks between the US and EU that failed).....assume that EU-like burocrats would make this a lengthy process.  It's entirely possible that Trump might step into the situation with just a trade-team of seven individuals, and work to conclude a trade situation in thirty days.  Could the US make up for the Europe trade losses?  That's not an answerable question.  That the US might have an incredibly easy work-visa where a US company is in massive need of particular individuals with a trade-craft or degree, and the UK market might find 25,000 individuals suddenly approached by HR-hunters and brought in for US jobs for three to five years?  That's entirely possible. 

5.  Does any part of the BREXIT affect NATO?

Officially, no.  If Trump is re-elected in 2020, and the German direction on less-than-2-percent 'rule' continues....it's entirely possible that the US might take US installations/troops, and relocate them out of the Germany, to the UK.  The opposition parties in Germany wouldn't be hostile or negative about such a move.  There are certain German communities that would be hurt to some degree (economically), but its not the end of the world. 

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