Thursday, March 14, 2019

Government by Proxy and the Herd Theory

Government by proxy generally means that you've had an election, and voted for a particular candidate/party, where they said they'd go and do A, B, and C.  Then you go off and do your regular business....waking up a year, or five years realize that this 'winner' or the 'winner-party' went and did D, E and F as well. These were things, which you felt were a bit beyond the scope of the guy or party.  In fact, you may be so disenchanted by the action.....that you feel 'screwed'.

This general idea of government by proxy really started to take shape in the US, and Europe in the 1980s.  Someone would lay out such-and-such agenda, which you'd buy into.  Then you'd come to realize other pieces, more taxes, or additional regulations added....that wasn't mentioned before.  Now you'd like to have a chat, but it's a bit too late to get your 'player' interested in chatting.

As for the herd theory, this is usually where you'd convinced a bunch of folks to settle for A, B, and C.....with them moving in this direction that you choose.  The herd rarely stops or reverses, in this case. 

In some ways, the general disgruntled feeling in the UK, and seen in a number of European going anti-proxy.  The Yellow-Vest movement in France....mostly centers on actions that Macron took, which was beyond his advertised points in the election.  If he'd mentioned these points then.....the high vote tally would have been dramatically less.  You see disgruntled voters in Germany, who are hyped up about the welfare mess that exists, pension woes, and the migration path.  Working-class Germans would readily admit.....Merkel is not the Chancellor to correct things but they can't really find anyone else better.  Same story in Spain....same story in Italy, etc.

If I were to project this out, I see the next decade in Europe as being a difficult period, with a number of political parties exercised out of existence in ten years time.  The BREXIT matter?  If the UK does the no-treaty exit, and somehow comes out with a better fortune in ten'll be a shocker to the EU bureaucrats. 

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