Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Court Case in Wiesbaden Continues

There is a great piece today written by Goran Schattauer for Focus magazine.....over the murder trial in Wiesbaden with the dead teenage Mainz girl, and the Iraqi asylum guy.

Schattauer has been there for the opening day, and today.  He lays out a couple of key observations over this accused guy.

Originally, the young guy grew up in Kurdistan.  There's not a lot of details about how this family of eleven got over into Iraq.  But the guy basically finished up five total years of schooling.....with two of these being repeat years.  Educationally, he was behind and this great 'adventure' into Germany was probably (as Schattauer lays out the tale) a bit more than he could handle.

The German language and integration classes?  Way too much for him, and he started to skip them.

The guy spent most days....getting up at noon, wandering around the city while sipping vodka, smoking hash and using heroin.  At various times, he was caught with knives, and getting in violent crimes.  His friends?  Not a single German.

As Schattauer weaves the story.....this is a guy who simply 'took', and never 'gave' in return.  He was unprepared for Germany, and integration.  For him to have 'made it'.....someone would have had to stand there and lead him through each step....the German system would have had to find at least five years to educate him to some higher level....and German 'associates' would have had to be there to support him.

The problem I see....there are probably thousands of immigrant guys in Germany like this......with the vast majority who've yet to murder or harm anyone, but they are hanging on for the 'ride of their lives', and need some kind of mentoring to make this whole thing work.

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