Saturday, March 2, 2019

Mallorca Story

If you ever bring up Mallorca with most younger Germans (say between 18 and 25 years old).....they grin, and then go into detail about their party-vacation there (an isle off the coast of Spain) and the amount of booze they consumed.  For decades, Mallorca has been this destination where young Germans went to consume vast amounts of alcohol, party to excess, and do stupid things.

Spaniards?  For the most part, they put up with it.  There was a ton of money flowing into Mallorca.

Well....things are changing.  There's a brief story discussed by ARD (German public TV, Channel One).

An example, in the city of Palma, Mallorca....there are going to be party zones.  In the rest of the bad behavior or drunkenness will be accepted.  They made up a rule that no one is allowed to take drinks or food....out of the pubs.  You have to consume or eat....inside.

A pub on the street?  Not has to be 'contained'....meaning inside or within a fenced-in area.  Drunken Germans who violate the new rules? 3,000 Euro fine. 

Drinking Sangria in a bucket on the street?  Not anymore.

Happy hours?  That appears to be on the forbidden list some degree.

Will it make Mallorca less attractive?  Yes.  But most vacationers will say that in the past decade....things in Mallorca got way out of hand, and some Germans were even negative about the extreme drinking and partying going on. 

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