Monday, March 11, 2019

Social Media Chatter

There's this little technology story today in the ARD (public TV, Channel One) news, which I thought was a curious piece.

So a study was done by the Fraunhofer folks.

Presently, 90-percent of Germans will admit to using some form of the internet.  But when you get around to social media use....state by state (there are sixteen German states)....things go in various directions.

In the Brandenburg region....only around 38-percent of folks admit to using social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc).

States on the increase?  Only the Saarland, Pfalz, and Hamburg.  With the Pfalz near 60 percent of the population. 

So the question that one might ask....are Germans not attached to social media?  The short answer?  With youth groups, you might find them hyped up to use Twitter or WhatsApp.....with Facebook lacking that much interest.  In fact, with Germans over the age of forty.....Facebook just isn't that big of a deal.  Curiously, WhatsApp is a item which most all Germans have adapted to in the past three years.

Some in the tech world suggest that if people just had more training or introduction.....they'd use these more.  I kinda doubt it.

I've sat on German buses in the morning and noted kids making photos of their homework, via send to another kid on another bus.....who missed the assignment from last night, and that kid wraps up his work from the photo.  I've stood in grocery stores where women took pictures of products via quiz their husband, and then buy it with the acknowledgement of the husband one minute later.

Facebook?  I just don't see it ever dominating German consumers, or school kids here. 

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